A Ski Film in Honeycomb Canyon, Solitude Resort

Yeah, so this isn't the typical blog. I actually don't even really have photos to share from this day since all I did was shoot lots and lots of video! I've been wanting to make a little ski edit or ski film for some time now, and I've had some thoughts in my head about … Continue reading A Ski Film in Honeycomb Canyon, Solitude Resort

Gnarshralping Honeycomb Canyon at Solitude Mountain

Yeah, this is basically what happened. True story! My friend John and I decided we needed some spring skiing outfits since neither of us had anything, for some odd reason. I had spotted someone wearing USA-themed snow pants, and there are already a plethora of USA snowsuits on the market. So, I descended into some … Continue reading Gnarshralping Honeycomb Canyon at Solitude Mountain

Exploring Big Cottonwood Canyon in Salt Lake City, Utah

The engine hums through the canyon as tires filled with salt and sand roll on black asphalt. The canyon turns and winds through a carved out path through a beautiful canyon, filled with high mountains on either side and breathtaking lookouts from time to time. The drive is mostly silent, save for the occasional oncoming … Continue reading Exploring Big Cottonwood Canyon in Salt Lake City, Utah